Five stars for ‘Flames of Passion’


I’m thrilled to be able to tell you that ‘Flames of Passion’ has already received its first five-star review!

Woot! (Is that the right word?) 😀

This is the third story in ‘The Bucket List’ series. Amber is up to her old tricks and poor Lucy is on the receiving end once again.

Or is she?

Is Lucy so suspicious that she is even dreaming about being manipulated by her friend? Perhaps she’s just had too much wine and cheese. That would certainly explain why eight naked fireman are standing round Lucy’s bed, offering to carry her from the smoke-filled house and massage her flame-dried skin whilst delivering warm oxygen directly from a fireman’s lips.

Pick up a copy of ‘Flames of Passion’ (over 18s only) and decide for yourself. But be sure to wear gloves – this book is rated as hot, hot, hot!

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