Really, really put my foot in it this week!

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I wanted to begin today’s blog post by telling you a little more about myself, but then I realised that after having changed my on-line name twice to avoid

A)    Perverts and Spammers and

B)     being noticed (again) by my work colleagues and bosses

that telling you personal stuff would be kind of self-defeating.  I’d love to share a little more about me with my friendly followers – it’s beginning to feel like a family here – but I’m risking being exposed (not THAT kind of exposure!) to those who would mock, ridicule and generally hand me my notice.

So instead I’ll tell you a little more about what I do when I’m not rambling away on my blog.

I’ve been very lucky to be found by Steam eReads, an Australian publisher who specialises in erotic stories.  However, most of my writing income is still generated by ghostwriting – those short stories that are created in a whirl of inspiration, then sent off into the electronic abyss never to be heard from again.  It’s a little sad – rather like fostering children who never write home once they’ve left.  That’s why Steam eReads has become a little like a literary anchor to me.  My name is on the cover of the book that I wrote and they’ve been nice enough to allow me a say in the cover and the final editing.

Ghostwriting is my bread and butter for now, though.  So I continue to trawl for work, fend off those who can’t read what I specialise in (No, I DON’T do web design – where did it say that on my resumee??) and hum and haw over offers of $15 for 10,000 word ‘short’ stories.  Do I really need the work that badly?

But this week I put my foot in it.  I was asked if I could produce a 6k short story with a gay element – featuring two or more participants.  Erotica, I thought.  I can do that.  I can do gay erotica.  After all, my BFF characters Amber and Lucy are always ‘at it.’

I accepted the challenge – and was shocked when the outline arrived.  I’d naturally assumed (as you may have) that I would be writing about two (or more) girlfriends.


The contractor wanted guy-guy stuff.

Aw, shoot.

Pun not intended.

I credit myself with a pretty good set of imagination neurons, but this was off the beaten track, even for me.  Yes, I have a gay friend.  I might even have two (I must ask him if he is – just to be sure).  But this will take some ‘getting inside the head’ stuff.

The alternative is turning down dollars that I can really use.


Time to start following more gay (guy) blogs?

Definitely time to start checking the job descriptions more closely.

Any advice, guys and girls?

lipstick kiss mini

10 thoughts on “Really, really put my foot in it this week!

  1. Hello Annie. Hope you are doing great. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to follow your blog lately as well as to thank you for your help. But I promise to do so soonest.

  2. Go for it! It’s always good to get gently nudged outside of your comfort zone. I think it’ll be a good experience.

  3. I’d like to ask how one even goes about earning dollars for erotic stories? I mean I know mine are probably not the standard that could legitimately earn me some cash but I’d be much more inclined to seriously improve if it was a possibility! 😉

    • Google oDesk and sign up with them. Once you’ve completed your profile (keep it narrow if you only want to write erotica – don’t list DIY and every hobby – just your writing experience!), search for ‘erotica’ and check out the requests for writers. Oh, make sure you have a short sample ready to send out. Mine can be found at ‘A Little Bit of Annie’ on my blog.
      I don’t have to tell you that you need to submit an original piece – if one of the clients recognises my work, you could get blacklisted.
      Let me know if you have any success, won’t you? I always like to hear about happy endings.
      To give you an idea, I got two contracts signed this week, plus Steam eReads are asking for more Bucket List stories.

  4. Hi, Annie’s publishers here and glad to see she is keeping out of trouble 🙂 Like Annie pointed out, we have a Short n Spicy genre that we publish so if you are every inclined to submit, please check out out I know we are bias but we love Annie’s stories so make sure you take the time to read them. Cheers.

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